Monday, October 16, 2006


For more information on particular authors or literary phenomena, click on the links below.
!!! © blog_admin: Passages from the essays may be quoted only when acknowledging the source !!!

  1. India through a Lens of an Expatriate Consciousness
  2. Questions of Identity Reexamined (Ngữgĩ Wa Thiong’o: A Grain of Wheat)
  3. Voices of immigrants in Maxine Hong Kingston’s ‘The Woman Warrior‘
  4. A Glimpse Beyond Postcolonialism (Zadie Smith´s White Teeth)
  5. Hanif Kureishi’s Quest for Articulateness
  6. Discovering the Congruence: Postcolonial Literature and Slovak Post-Communist Condition
  7. Teaching Foreign Language Literature through Drama
  8. Provoking discussion: ambiguity as a vitalizing literary tool
  9. Civil war and its naked truth: the compelling voice of a new literary talent (review)
  10. A story to be remembered: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Half of a Yellow Sun
  11. A clash of voices: The Behzti controversy
  12. One World, One Voice (review)
  13. When the slippers do not fit any more (review)
  14. Unaccustomed Earth: Generation at the Crossroads
  15. Tales from India: Aravind Adiga in the role of a travel guide
  16. In the company of fairies: A tale of South African childhood
  1. Lingvistické aspekty postkoloniálneho prekladu
  2. Dimenzie postkoloniálnej literatúry v slovenskom kontexte
  3. K problematike postkoloniálnej translatológie
  4. Preklad ako forma interkultúrneho dialógu v postkoloniálnej ére
  5. Polyfónia ako médium dekonštrukcie koloniálneho metanaratívu
  6. Inakosť: od odmietnutia k akceptácii