Something about Geoffrey Chaucer - HERE
1. Briefly summarize the plot of the Prologue.
2. What purpose does the Prologue serve? What is its function?
3. What is the setting (time and place)?
4. Who does communicate the events in the Prologue? Who is the speaker?
5. Describe the form and the structure of the Prologue.
6. Who are the pilgrims? How many of them are there in the inn? Where do they go?
7. List the members of the middle class group / clergy / lower class / aristocracy? Do you think it probable that such a mixed group would travel together? Why does Chaucer put all these different characters together? What is his purpose?
8. How does the speaker fit into the group?
9. Compare the descriptions of the characters? Are there any differences? Focus on different aspects / attributes being described, the tone of the description and the speaker’s stance towards the person being described.
10. Which characters are idealized? Which social group seems to cause speaker’s ambivalent reactions? Provide examples.
11. Select 3 characters whom the narrator seems to satirize.STUDY QUESTIONS - THE CLERK' S TALE
1. Briefly summarize the plot of the tale (+ setting).
2. Comment on the actions in the prologue to the tale.
3. What promise does Griselde make to Walter before accepting his offer of marriage?
4. Name each of the tests Walter applies to test Griselde’s loyality.
5. Compare Griselde and Allison from the Miller’s Tale. Do you see any similarities between them?
6. What do you think of Griselde’s behaviour? What does the clerk himself think of her and her actions? Find reference in the text.
7. How is Walter described. Does his portrayal change as the story unfolds? Does Walter’s portrayal and the outcome of the tale correspond with your feelings / your perception of him?
8. Do you find the conclusion satisfying?
9. What are the two sources (Italian classics) on which this tale is based (allusion)?
10. Find an explicit biblical reference in the text (from Old Testament) and relate it to the tale. Whom do Walter and Griselde resemble according to the reference?
11. Does this story and its language and form correspond with the social status of the clerk?
1. Briefly summarize the events in the tale’s prologue and the plot of the tale.
2. Compare the main male characters.
3. Why is it appropriate for the Miller to tell this particular story? What evidence do you find in the text that the speaker comes from a low social class?
4. What may be the theme of the story? Compare it with the theme of the Clerk’s Tale.
5. What are the main sources of humour in this tale? Illustrate.
6. What is the genre of the tale? Provide its definition. What traditional plot does the tale present?
7. Compare the ways Absolon and Nicholas try to gain Alison.
8. What is the tone of the story? What devices are used to convey it?
9. Find any allusions in the tale.