Department of English and American Studies at CPU in Nitra has organized the first international colloquium on aspects of postcolonial literature which took place on May 4, 2006. Its main aim was to introduce the concepts of postcolonialism in Slovakia and thus to establish a tradition of Anglo-American postcolonial literature in the Slovak academic community.

The colloquium was chaired by Anton Pokrivčák from Dept. of English and American Studies at CPU.

The head of the Department Gabriela Miššíková officially opened the event and greeted all the guests.

Ján Bajánek, Žilina University

Jaroslav Kušnír, Prešov University

Ján Kozoň, Catholic University, Ružomberok

Steven Ekema Agbaw, Bloomsburg University, USA

Marta Mammet-Michalkiewicz, University of Silesia, Poland

Eva Batiková, Institue of World Literature, SAS

Ema Jelínková, Palacky University, Czech Republic

Tetyana Kononenko, National University of Kyiv - Mohzyla Academy, Ukraine

organizational team