Zadie Smith - On Beauty 2011
Zadie Smith - On Beauty 2009
Poetry presentation
Music presentation (videos and student films included!!!)
Zadie Smith - On Beauty 2008
Art presentation (videos included)
Music presentation
Poetry presentation
Visual art presentation
Zadie Smith - On Beauty 2007
VISUAL ART GROUP - Students in this group decided to create a collage in order to contrast the two main characters.
Zadie Smith - On Beauty 2009
Poetry presentation
Music presentation (videos and student films included!!!)
Zadie Smith - On Beauty 2008
Art presentation (videos included)
Music presentation
Poetry presentation
Visual art presentation
Zadie Smith - On Beauty 2007
VISUAL ART GROUP - Students in this group decided to create a collage in order to contrast the two main characters.
The presentation may be divided into several activities which, after their completing, create a final product – such as collage. This technique presents a wonderful way how to analyze and discuss symbolism of the work. However, you may also demonstrate the atmosphere, tone, characters or even narrative techniques in this way.

The presenter is showing pictures to the students who discuss the possible interpretations of them. The colored figures on the board represent Kiki and Howard. The role of the students is to guess what the pictures or object may represent and they attribute it to one of the characters. The white swan picture stands, in this case, for Howard as opposed to the black swan representing Kiki.

Gradually, the figures are being covered with different pictures and objects, each having its distinct meaning which are discussed separately. Meanwhile, students can also make notes.

The final collage representing Kiki:

The heart stands for her emotionality and kind character. The lonely black swan represents her African-American origins which render her isolated in the white community of Wellington…
The final collage representing Howard:
The final collage representing Howard:

The famous breakfast scene
MUSIC GROUP - Students present a short scene from the book thus introducing and analysing the Belsey family. Each member of the family switches on another track when he /she comes in (it characterizes him/her somehow) and presents a short monologue at the end.
This final presentation presents a short performance based on the motif of the famous breakfast scene in the Belsey house. Each member of the family contributes with his/her own speech to the discussion, presenting his/her views on the problem. Then, each member of the family holds a short monologue in which he/she provides a brief analysis of his/her character. The Belseys are a typical multiethnic patchwork family with each member being completely different from the rest. Howard is a rigid Rembrandt scholar always thinking in analytical terms and unable to show his emotions. His black wife Kiki, on the other hand, is the imaginary centre of the whole family. She is a warm and generous person who is the complete opposite of her husband Howard.
