Friday, August 28, 2009


Before you actually come to the class...

• be aware of the fact that you are doing the presentation in advance
• skim through the text: get a general idea of what the text is about
• close-read the text and underline words or phrases that you think are crucial in the text (key words or topic sentences)
• make notes: when you give the text a kind of comprehensible structure on a piece of paper, you can understand the text better which ends up in a better explanation to your classmates
• prepare some creative activities bearing in mind that your classmates have read the same piece of text but not in details – you are not to give a lecture but make use of their “knowledge” and give it some cause-and-effect structure
be CREATIVE!!!!! - don’t be lazy to do some extra work. You can make use of your hobbies. If you like:
1. painting – make a poster, collage, bring some pictures / photos to the classroom which somehow capture the atmosphere (symbols, setting...) of the work
2. music – bring (background) music to the class or compose your own song which would enliven your presentation
3. movies / TV – get inspiration from a TV show, TV program (talk-show, competition...), movie... – don’t be afraid to create a new setting in the classroom (you are invited to use role play, drama...)
• you can also prepare a crossword, a word puzzle (osemsmerovka), a multiple choice exercise (choose the right answer a, b, c), matching activities (2 columns – 1.literary terms, 2.definitions or examples), “experience” activities (choose an excerpt from the text in which your classmates are supposed to find symbols, explain them, identify the point of view, etc.) – you can do anything as long as it is a challenge for you classmates
• watch your time: your classmates do not want the sauce, the thing that matters is quality

When you are in front of your classmates...

● RELAX! It is your classmates and the text that should be in the centre of attention not you as a person, so make them as preoccupied as possible (the whole classroom is yours; you don’t have to stand in front as long as they can see, hear and understand you – make use of the whole classroom)
● be as dynamic as possible and do not allow your classmates to have a chance to concentrate on anything else but the presentation
• do not be afraid of making them work: remember that you know and understand the topic and now it is them who should acquire and learn it
• involve everyone
• do not read!!!! You know how boring it feels when someone starts reading and it makes no sense to anyone
• do not tell us the sauce!!!!! Your classmates are interested only in the essential things and their interrelations, not in every single word or the whole text...

Criteria for Evalution:
critical thinking - always keep your topic in mind
form of the presentation and its structure (CREATIVITY / COHERENCE)
involvement of students

Also read: Gettin' started