10-14 November 2008
This project is the result of the project KEGA 3/6468/08 Vyučovanie interkultúrneho povedomia cez literatúru a kultúrne štúdiá (Teaching intercultural awareness through literature and cultural studies).
The 'Across Cultures' project intends to highlight different forms of diversity and otherness around us. The aim of the project is to raise awareness about the significance of tolerance and respect among different cultures, races and religious groups.
Promoting intellectual and trans-cultural dialogues we invite papers on literature, criticism, film and cultural studies that explore any aspect of intercultural encounters and multiculturalism in contemporary era. Papers may explore, but are not restricted to, the following areas:
- Writings about the coexistence / contacts of different cultures, immigrant experience, exile or intergenerational conflicts within these contexts.
- Theoretical concepts of multiculturalism and intercultural awareness.
- The impact of globalization on national identity.
- Cultural awareness in literature. Teaching cultural awareness.
- Multicultural perspective. The power of cultural clashes, cultural difference, identity, migration.
- Literatures, rights and liberties. Religious freedom, fundamentalisms.
- Voices of the oppressed and forms of resistance: laughter, the carnivalesque, mimicry, travel.
- Representing borders and non-places, cosmopolitan vs. local/indigenous cultural paradigms.
- Visual art representations of the above mentioned issues.
Papers should range in length up to 5,000 words (including notes and works cited). Please submit your papers and a 300-word abstract to the email address listed below. Please include your institutional affiliation and current email address.
- Writings about the coexistence / contacts of different cultures, immigrant experience, exile or intergenerational conflicts within these contexts.
- Theoretical concepts of multiculturalism and intercultural awareness.
- The impact of globalization on national identity.
- Cultural awareness in literature. Teaching cultural awareness.
- Multicultural perspective. The power of cultural clashes, cultural difference, identity, migration.
- Literatures, rights and liberties. Religious freedom, fundamentalisms.
- Voices of the oppressed and forms of resistance: laughter, the carnivalesque, mimicry, travel.
- Representing borders and non-places, cosmopolitan vs. local/indigenous cultural paradigms.
- Visual art representations of the above mentioned issues.
Papers should range in length up to 5,000 words (including notes and works cited). Please submit your papers and a 300-word abstract to the email address listed below. Please include your institutional affiliation and current email address.
Selected papers will be published in a printed form.
Deadline for submissions: November 10, 2008
Email: shevesiova@ukf.sk
PICTURESThe Best Of Moments
Gastronomic Party
UNICEF workshop
Petra Pappová
Jacques Lefevbre
Diana Židová
Jana Javorčíková
Marek Vadas
Thomas Clark
Petr Kopecký