Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Style. Tone.

Plot – points to discuss

  1. Carlene + Kiki

Comment on Carlene’s and Kiki’s developing relationship.

Carlene’s death. Comment on Kiki’s reaction.

What happens after Carlene’s death in the Kipps family? What does Carlene’s legace reveal about the family members? What does this revelation differ from Jerome’s impressions of the Kipps in his emails?

What happens during Carlene’s funeral?

Who is Chantalle?

  1. Howard and Victoria

Comment on Howard’s visit to his father.

What is Harold’s opinion on Kiki (a racist comment)? How does Howard react?

Comment on the relationship between Howard and Victoria.

Points to discuss:

1. diction

* compare the registers of Howard - Levi - Zora and other characters
* What does the language they use signify about the character? Does it characterize him/her to certain extent? If yes, how?

2. the problem of imitation - for what purpose?

* Levi
* Kiki
* Zora

3. the influence of diction on the overall atmosphere of the text

4. tone


Part 5: