Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Plot – points to discuss:

  1. Carlene

Comment on Kiki’s visit and her ‘friendship’ with Carlene. Why is it so important for Kiki? Do they have something in common? Compare these two characters.

Discuss the significance of the painting Carlene shows to Kiki. Relate it to Kiki’s identity problem. It is a powerful symbol.

* Because we’re so binary, of course, in the way we think. We tend to think in opposites, in the Christian world. (p. 175)

What does Kiki reveal about her marriage to Carlene?

  1. Levi and the store

Comment on the conflict between Levi and Bailey

* Don’t – act – like – a – nigger – with – me – Levi. (p. 191)

Levi and the street sellers.

  1. Howard and Kiki

Comment on Howard’s argument with Kiki - talking about Claire and Kiki’s feelings “in the sea of white” (again, IDENTITY).

Points to discuss:

1. campus novel - definition

2. why?

* university as a closed system

3. where?

* campus

4. who?

5. what?

* plot / conflict

6. tone
