Plot – points to discuss
- Carl
Discuss Carl’s new position at the university.
What are Zora’s emotions towards Carl and how does he feel about it?
What is Levi’s reaction after seeing Carl at the university? Does it change anything?
- Howard and Kiki
What is Howard’s reaction when discovering Kiki among Monty’s audience?
Comment on the argument between them. What do you think about Howard and his feelings for Kiki?
Points to discuss:* main subject matters:
beauty - identity - art - love / friendship - diversity - belonging ...
* formulating the theme(s)
Presentation: creating a subject matter TREE
Part 7: preparation of the 'puppet show'
beauty - identity - art - love / friendship - diversity - belonging ...
* formulating the theme(s)
Presentation: creating a subject matter TREE


Also staring
