Sunday, November 12, 2006

English literature of the 20th century


1. The basic attributes of realist, modernist and postmodernist literature.
2. Theories of postmodernism (Lyotard, Baudrillard, Jameson, McHale)
3. Comparison of modernism and postmodernism.
4. James Joyce – epiphany, cyclical theory of G.B. Vico, Ulysses (setting, characters, genre, narrative technique, pretext – Homer’s Odyssey, name and comment some chapters by drawing parallels to Homer’s work)
5. Samuel Beckett – existentialism, solipsism, quietism, literature of silence, cultural code, subject matters of his novels, characters (Everyman), narrative technique
6. George Orwell – dystopia, manipulation of language and history, political fiction
7. Graham Greene – catholic novel, special type of character (sinful saint / saint sinner), major conflicts
8. Feminism – cultural and literary definition, some representatives (V. Woolf, Simone de Beauvoir, Kate Millet), major objectives
9. Fay Weldon – major themes
10. John Fowles – experimental fiction, metanarrative
11. Anthony Burgess – experimental fiction (language – its form, function, effect)
12. David Lodge – campus novel, characters and setting, experimental features in ‘Changing Places’ (narrative techniques)
13. Graham Swift – new historicism, themes, the concept of history
14. Colonial Literature - Joseph Conrad
15. Postcolonial Literature - postcolonial discourse, main subject matters and issues


* books from the syllabus - focus on interpretation and critical thinking